Copyright and license ---------------------- The Dolibarr software as a whole is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version (GPL-3+). More information: A copy of this license is available in the COPYING file. Dolibarr depends on third-party components and code snippets released under their own license (obviously, all compatible with the one of Dolibarr). These dependencies are listed in the bottom of this file. The Dolibarr images resources (available in the doc directory) is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). The name Dolibarr is a trademark initially registered by Laurent Destailleur and ceased to the Dolibarr foundation. You can use the name Dolibarr for your own need as long as you follow the rules defined on the page The use of the name DoliStore is also restricted to the same rules defined on Licence of dependencies of third-party components used by Dolibarr (all compatible with the Licence of Dolibarr): Component Version License GPL Compatible Usage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHP libraries: ADOdb-Date 0.36 Modified BSD License Yes Date convertion (not into rpm package) EvalMath 1.0 BSD Yes Safe math expressions evaluation Escpos-php 2.2 MIT License Yes Thermal receipt printer library, for use with ESC/POS compatible printers GeoIP2 0.2.0 Apache License 2.0 Yes Lib to make geoip convert Mobiledetect 2.8.39 MIT License Yes Detect mobile devices browsers NuSoap 0.9.5 LGPL 2.1+ Yes Library to develop SOAP Web services (not into rpm and deb package) PEAR Mail_MIME 1.8.9 BSD Yes NuSoap dependency ParseDown 1.6 MIT License Yes Markdown parser PCLZip 2.8.4 LGPL-3+ Yes Library to zip/unzip files PHPDebugBar 1.15.1 MIT License Yes Used only by the module "debugbar" for developers PHPSpreadSheet 1.8.2 LGPL-2.1+ Yes Read/Write XLS files, read ODS files php-iban 4.1 LGPL-3+ Yes Parse and validate IBAN (and IIBAN) bank account information in PHP PHPoAuthLib 0.8.2 MIT License Yes Library to provide oauth1 and oauth2 to different service PHPPrintIPP 1.3 GPL-2+ Yes Library to send print IPP requests PSR/Logs 1.0 MIT License Yes Library for logs (used by DebugBar) PSR/simple-cache ? MIT License Yes Library for cache (used by PHPSpreadSheet) Restler 3.1.1 LGPL-3+ Yes Library to develop REST Web services (+ swagger-ui js lib into dir explorer) Sabre 3.2.2 BSD Yes DAV support Swift Mailer 5.4.2-DEV MIT License Yes Comprehensive mailing tools for PHP Symfony/var-dumper ??? MIT License Yes Library to make var dump (used by DebugBar) Stripe 7.67.0 MIT Licence Yes Library for Stripe module TCPDF 6.3.2 LGPL-3+ Yes PDF generation TCPDI 1.0.0 LGPL-3+ / Apache 2.0 Yes FPDI replacement JS libraries: Ace 1.4.14 BSD Yes JS library to get code syntaxique coloration in a textarea. ChartJS 3.7.1 MIT License Yes JS library for graph CKEditor 4.18 LGPL-2.1+ Yes Editor WYSIWYG jQuery 3.6.0 MIT License Yes JS library jQuery UI 1.13.1 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library plugin UI jQuery select2 4.0.13 GPL and Apache License Yes JS library plugin for sexier multiselect. Warning: 4.0.6+ create troubles without patching css jQuery blockUI 2.70.0 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library plugin blockUI (to use ajax popups) jQuery Colorpicker 1.1 MIT License Yes JS library for color picker for a defined list of colors jQuery JCrop 0.9.8 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library plugin Crop (to crop images) jQuery Jeditable 1.7.1 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library plugin jeditable (to edit in place) jQuery jNotify 1.1.00 Apache License 2.0 Yes JS library plugin jNotify (to use ajax popups) jQuery jPicker 1.1.6 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library for color picker with not defined list of colors jQuery jqueryFileTree 1.0.1 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library for filetree jQuery jquerytreeview 1.4.1 MIT License Yes JS library for filetree jQuery TableDnD 0.6 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library plugin TableDnD (to reorder table rows) jQuery Timepicker 1.1.0 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library Timepicker addon for Datepicker jsGanttImproved 2.7.3 BSD License Yes JS library (to build Gantt reports) JsTimezoneDetect 1.0.6 MIT License Yes JS library to detect user timezone SwaggerUI 2.2.10 GPL-2+ Yes JS library to offer the REST API explorer Image libraries: Octicons 8.1 MIT Yes Font libraries: Fontawesome 5.13 Font Awesome Free Licence Yes For more licenses compatibility informations: Authors ------------------- See page